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JurikSoft Proxy Provider

Socks and HTTPS Proxy Provider C # component


"Socks and HTTPS Proxy Provider C # component"
dovnload.co.uk Editor: Provider of Proxy JurikSoft allowed methods, an array. NET is a component
link a particular TCP / IP server through Socks and HTTPS proxy server is.

connection Socks Proxy versions 4, 4a, 5 and can be used over HTTPS.

time to time Socks Servers versions 4a
and 5 and HTTPS proxy server when connecting through the Provider's JurikSoft the computer as the Host or domain name may indicate.

Proxy authentication feature with JurikSoft connection with Provider
Socks version 5 "plain text" method and can install using HTTPS Server with Basic Authentication. Now you can download free JurikSoft Proxy Provider 1.1.0.

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